🏢Haflong, Dima Hasao, Assam, India

Poultry farmers urged to adopt improved poultry variety Rainbow Rooster

Krishi Vikash Kendra (KVK) Dima Hasao organized an ‘Input distribution programme (Animal Science) under Front Line Demonstration’ at Dima Hasao on Thursday.

The main objective of the programme was to introduce and popularize Rainbow Rooster (dual purpose-meat and egg)- a newly-introduced poultry variety which is suitable for rural-backyard poultry farming for doubling income and nutritional security in tribal hill region of Dima Hasao .

The programme commenced with the speech by the chief guest, Dinesh Tiwari, a social worker. He urged the farmers to adopt scientific low input technology via improved poultry variety- Rainbow Rooster- for better production as well as uplift of the socio-economic status. The guest of honour of the programme, Somendra Longmailai, chief trustee, Keshav Smarak Nyas, Haflong, spoke on the importance of poultry farming in order to meet the demand and supply of meat and eggs for enhancing production and productivity through this technology.

In the programme, Rashmita , Senior Scientist and Head (in charge), gave a brief speech on the mandate activities of Krishi Vigyan Kendra for the overall development of the district’s agri-allied sector. The detailed technology on scientific rearing and package of practices about Rainbow Rooster for doubling income, self-employment generation and socio-economic sustainability were briefly explained by Dr. N. Manoranjan Singh, Programme Assistant -Veterinary.

In the distribution programme, Kabin Medhi, Subject Matter Specialist -Fisheries Science, delivered a brief lecture on the topic ‘Utilization of poultry deep-litter/droppings as low input technology in organic aquaculture’ for increasing additional income from an unit area.

A total of 270 Rainbow Rooster chicks and poultry feed (270 kg) were distributed among the beneficiaries farmers (27 birds per beneficiary and 27 kg of poultry feed per beneficiary).


Source : The Sentinal (Daily Hunt)

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